WHY is this meaningful to you?
The Client Experience is the foundation of how you manage relationships with clients. It fully incorporates how you commit to the ongoing servicing of each of your clients. It outlines a variety of methods of service so you can increase your value to your client. These service contacts represent a variety of meaningful touches to your clients. It is designed to build a high level of trust between you and your clients.
Providing this consistent level of service will competitor-proof your Ideal Clients, and create advocates who rave to their friends and family about you and your organization.
WHO is this proven strategy designed for?
For those who want to create client service standards to ensure consistency within their client experience as it relates to each of their client segmentation groups.
For those who want to proactively provide a higher level of personalized service to their high value clients which not only competitor-proofs them, but also creates the desire to introduce you to their family and friends.
WHAT should you expect?
You will enjoy:
Efficient use of financial and human resources to deliver services (80% of the time, energy and resources dedicated to high value clients who create 80% of the revenue)
An automated and consistent service program for each client segment
An increase in proactive outbound communication leading to a decrease in inbound reactive communication (more control)
Greater trust and loyalty (advocacy) from your clients, particularly your high value clients
An empowering sense of control and peace of mind
Regardless of how you may classify your clients, all clients need to be provided the necessary service, management and ongoing monitoring as defined by the Credit Union and other regulatory and compliance policies.
WHAT you need to know
HOW to Take Action & Implement Successfully?
Use the steps below to begin cataloguing FORM for your clients. The sooner you begin this process, the more quickly you will see the results of this highly-personalized approach to providing client service –especially with your high value clients.
Create awareness and understanding of the minimum service deliverables as it relates to the CUSO Client Service Model.
Carefully review each of the service items to see which ones you are already engaged in (i.e. your starting point).
Carefully review the resources provided in this PSA to help you understand how you can integrate the four core service activities:
Review Meetings:
Proactive Relationship Calls:
Annual Service Call Script for high value clients & Annual Service Touch Email for other clients.
Common Moments of Truth & Create an Article of Interest Inventory
You will be delighted to know the CUSO Fulfilment Centre will assist with the prompting and coordination of following three service activities:
Thanksgiving Cards
Annual Gift
Advisor Stream is our information and content provider allowing you to easily maintain professional and meaningful communication with your clients, prospects, professional networks and strategic partners.
We recommend a monthly Newsletter is distributed via email using Maximizer as a trigger to ensure consistency.
We also recommend a Quarterly Touch Point to your high value clients that is personally sent. This can contain an article related to something you believe they will value. Feel free to send more if you find things you know will be of true value to them.
We do not recommend you send weekly market updates and economic forecasts - that's why they have you! So they don't have to worry about that type of stuff.
Connect with CUSO directly on our group pricing along with any potential pricing sharing provided by CUSO.
If you have an Assistant, thoughtfully delegate who will coordinate and/or oversee each item in the CUSO Client Service Model.
Who is responsible for its completion? Various team clients may help to complete the task, but one person takes primary responsibility for it.
Document your process for each service activity to ensure consistency.
Make a list of anything else you are currently doing in regards to proactive client service which falls outside of the CUSO Client Service Experience.
Carefully review this list with your PSA Coach & CUSO team to identify which ones make sense to keep as a tradition and which may need to be phased out.
Use technology to deliver your service matrix flawlessly.
Apply the appropriate Service Model Action Plan on the CRM to activate the servicing.
Although CUSO will manage three of the items, you should also have reminders in the CRM effectively prompt them to implement all 'time of year' service activities. This might include Thanksgiving Cards, Newsletters, Annual Gift, Birthdays, etc.
Assess your CUSO Client Service Model annually to ensure it is being delivered with perfection.
* SPECIAL RESOURCE: CUSO Client Service Model for Insurance Only Clients.
Special Time of Year Client Service
January and February provide a terrific opportunity for you to reach out to your top clients regarding RRSP and Tax Time.
First, you may want to use the RRSP Client Service Call Script to reach out to clients as a meaningful point of contact each year - this service is annual and repeatable. The script is written for Assistants to make this call, however it may be determined that the Advisor is better suited to make this call in situations where Assistants are new or do not have capacity.
Second, you may want to provide a one-time special Tax Package to your clients. For more information and a sample letter, refer to the Tax Package idea.
Watch Here to Learn More

PSA 7 - Client Experience
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