WHY is this meaningful to you?
What makes this appointment particularly unique and powerful is at this point the new client fully understands your process. It is not about product pushing or convincing. In fact, with this new process it never will be. That is what is so remarkable about communicating your professionalism and integrity at the outset; it makes the relationship easier to manage in the long run and therefore, more rewarding.
This appointment will give you the opportunity to to deliver their new Insurance Policy. Most Insurance Advisors are familiar and comfortable with this aspect of a client meeting, which is great. This professional approach will leave your potential new insurance client feeling very well taken care of.
WHO is this proven strategy designed for?
For those who want to showcase their professional advice and insurance solutions in a way that will truly help the client understand how you can help them achieve what matters most to them.
WHAT should you expect?
You will:
Continue to demonstrate you have a process for bringing on new insurance clients;
Reinforce who you are and what you do, as well as, remind your new clients about your Introduction Process; and
Policy Delivery.​
WHAT you need to know
Note: The items above are the resources created for the Financial Advisors, however the concepts and principle of the messages also apply to Insurance Advisors.
HOW to Take Action & Implement Successfully?
Familiarize yourself with the purpose and flow of the Implementation Meeting.
Refer to Step 17_Policy Delivery Agenda and to become familiar with the different areas being covered and the general flow of the meeting.
You will need to personalize and customize this script and be 100% prepared.
It is important you become thoroughly comfortable with a structured and professional approach to delivering your recommendations during Policy Delivery.
You will also want to become very familiar with the Personal Insurance Organizer concept.
Please refer to the sample Personal Insurance Organizer you were provided by CUSO.
Use the Insurance Binder Outline to become familiar with the 8 tabs and subsequent contents of this binder.
Before the Policy Delivery Meeting
Call the potential client one or two days in advance of the scheduled Policy Delivery Meeting to confirm the details of the appointment.
Remind the new client to bring the necessary documentation to this meeting for implementation (i.e. Photo ID, Void Cheque, etc.).
Highlight all fields requiring client signature. You will be having them sign the Policy Delivery Receipt, Outstanding Documents, Insurance Advisor Disclosure Form, Reason Why Letter, & Delivering their PERSONAL INSURANCE ORGANIZER.
The Policy Delivery Meeting
After the initial greetings and brief rapport building portion of the meeting (no more than five minutes) you can signal the business part of the meeting by sliding the Policy Review Agenda across the table to each meeting participant.
This will be the third time your client is exposed to an agenda driven meeting. You have effectively established the standard and demonstrated a high level of consistency early in the relationship.
The next few steps will explain the flow of the meeting. Try to visualize what this process might look like for you as you work through each step. Note: Each of these steps is described in much more detail in the 3rd Appointment Script.
Meeting Overview
Preview the items you will be discussing during the meeting and provide a timeframe to manage your client's expectations.
A Review of Your Risk Management Needs & Goals
Always begin with a review of what matters most to your client.
Next provide a brief reminder that Significant Financial Events and the Personal Insurance Organizer are cornerstones of your approach to Insurance Planning & Solutions.
Our Strategy to Help You Achieve Your Goal
Present the client with their Personal Insurance Organizer and describe how it will help them organize, simplify and coordinate all aspects of their Insurance Needs.
Next move into reviewing each of their Insurance Policies within the Personal Insurance Organizer.
First, provide a high-level review of this document to communicate what it is you are delivering to the client.
Walk the client through each of the insurance policies - be thorough but not to the point you are losing the client’s interest and attention. Remember, at this point they are not simply buying a product and you won’t need to ‘convince’ them. They have bought into you and your process. They trust you and your recommendations.
Answer any questions your new clients have.
If appropriate, begin discussion of additional areas they have either requested assistance with or you believe may be beneficial to them based on what you know of their personal and financial circumstances.​
Next Steps
This is where you clearly outline all Action Items - their and yours - so they know exactly what to expect.
A Brief Reminder of Our Approach
Do a quick 60 second overview of your approach to Insurance Solutions - why, what & how.
This is also the meeting where you will be reinforcing new clients about your Introduction Process.
Meeting Wrap Up
Summarize what was accomplished and end the meeting on a positive note.
Tell them it was a pleasure to see them and they can call you if they have any questions.
Make sure they take their Personal Insurance Organizer with them.
Once your client has received their Policy Delivery, they have now become a client of your organization. It is now time to launch their Welcome Aboard!
This is a very important part of the process and no new client process is fully completed until they have gone through this last process.
Policy Delivery Meeting Follow Up Items
There is one very important follow up step after this meeting to ensure things progress efficiently:
Step 18 is for you to ensure the Premium is paid by the client.
Now you are ready to move onto the New Client Welcome.​
Remember to:
Refer to The Policy Delivery Meeting steps on the New Insurance Client Checklist.
Ensure that each step is implemented at the appropriate point in the process.
Consistently use every aspect of the process with all new insurance clients.