WHY is this meaningful to you?
At this point, you and the client have mutually decided to work together and you are both enthusiastic about getting the process under way. Congratulations! Now, you need to present their insurance options, your recommendations and answer any questions they may have. But, that’s not entirely what this appointment is about.
What makes this appointment particularly unique and powerful however, is the reinforcement of who we are and what we do, as well as, the upfront discussion how to introduce others to you. Remember, these new insurance clients have only met with you once before and will likely appreciate the reminders about you, your approach and your organization. To be truthful, we don’t even know how much of the first meeting they actually remembered. Not only might they have been in a state of surprise from your unique and professional ‘FIT’ approach in the first meeting (this is a good thing), they were likely thinking of great people they could introduce to you.
The Introduction Process is, for most Insurance Advisors, the single biggest challenge within the Insurance Options Meeting. However, it is also one of the key elements for creating significant results. This forthright and professional approach to educating your clients about how to introduce others to you sets the stage for receiving a stream of quality introductions from your new clients. And, that is why you will remind them of this process on a regular basis.
You are likely already familiar with the Insurance Options Review & Discussion aspects of this meeting, which is great.
The Insurance Options Meeting should take no longer than 45 minutes to one hour.
WHO is this proven strategy designed for?
For those who want to communication options in a detailed, professional and highly structured discovery method to promote maximum engagement of the new insurance client.
WHAT should you expect?
You will:
Continue to demonstrate you have a process for bringing on new insurance clients
Introduce the new client to your Introduction Process (how to introduce or recommend others to you)
Have as much discussion and review as required to know which professional and suitable recommendations you will be moving forward with​
WHAT you need to know
Note: The items above are the resources created for the Financial Advisors, however the concepts and principle of the messages also apply to Insurance Advisors.
HOW to Take Action & Implement Successfully?
Familiarize yourself with the purpose and flow of the Insurance Options Meeting Meeting.
Refer to Step 10_Insurance Options Meeting Agenda to become familiar with the different areas being covered and the general flow of the meeting.
You will need to personalize and customize this script and be 100% prepared.
It is important you become thoroughly comfortable with a structured and professional approach to conducting this Insurance Options Meeting.
Before the Fact-Finding Meeting
Call the potential client one or two days in advance of the scheduled Insurance Options Meeting to confirm the details of the appointment.
Refer to Step 9_Insurance Options Meeting Confirmation Call Script.
Remind the potential client to bring the necessary documentation to this meeting.
The Insurance Options Meeting
After the initial greetings and brief rapport building portion of the meeting (no more than five minutes) you can signal the business part of the meeting by sliding the Insurance Options Agenda across the table to each meeting participant.
This will be the second time that your client is exposed to an agenda driven meeting. The effect of this consistency is familiarity for your client which helps to manage their expectations for the next hour.
The next few steps will explain the flow of the meeting. Try to visualize what this process might look like for you as you work through each step. Note: Each of these steps is described in much more detail in the 2nd Appointment Script.
Meeting Overview
Preview the items you would like to discuss during the meeting and provide a time frame to manage your client's expectations.
A Review of Your Current Situation & Family Security Needs
Review the goals and objectives you gathered from your client during the first appointment.
Occasionally new goals may come up. If they do, you can simply integrate it with the others.
You may also refer to the Significant Life Events graphic at this time pointing specifically to the areas you are assisting them with. You may also have another visual or tool you prefer to use.
An Overview of Insurance Solutions
Carefully review their insurance needs analysis and insurance options.
Make clear recommendations based on what you believe is best for them.
Answer all questions as simply and completely as you can.
Next Steps
Clearly outline the next steps in the process - who is doing what and when.
Collect any additional information and/or signatures required.
Be ready to proceed!
A Brief Reminder of Our Approach
Do a quick 60 second overview of your approach to Insurance Solutions - why, what & how.
This is also the meeting where you will be educating new clients about your Introduction Process for the first time.
Do NOT delete this topic from your Agenda: It is an important part of educating your new clients and creating a stage of readiness. This means when your new client encounters people they know who also have concerns about their family security and/or risk management, they know exactly what to do.
If you have customized the scripting it will be natural and comfortable for you.
Be matter-of-fact and forthright.
Meeting Wrap Up
At the end of the Insurance Options Meeting you should have all the information necessary to move forward with the next steps to achieving Policy Delivery.
Let them know you will schedule the Policy Delivery Meeting once all required steps and criteria have been met.
Special Note: At some point you will need to have an Advisor Disclosure Form completed and if you did not have this signed in the previous meeting, you can have them sign it at this meeting.
Insurance Options Meeting Follow Up Items
There are a few important follow up steps after this meeting to ensure things progress efficiently to Policy Delivery:
Step 11 is for you to submit the Completed Application.
Step 12 is for you to send a Meeting Follow Up Email which outline the next steps.
Step 13 is ensuring the Medical Underwriting is complete.
Step 14 is when there is full approval resulting in Policy Delivery and you will proceed to the next PSA strategy.
If the application is NOT approved, you may consider other options if appropriate, discuss those with the client, and pursue them if appropriate.​
If the application is NOT approved and there are no other viable options, you need to explain this to the client respectfully and professionally.
Remember to:
Refer to The Insurance Options Meeting steps on the New Insurance Client Checklist.
Ensure that each step is implemented at the appropriate point in the process.
Consistently use every aspect of the process with all new clients.