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Insurance PSA 2 - Is there a FIT Meeting 

"You will never get a second chance to make a first impression."


 - Will Rogers

WHY is this meaningful to you?


Having a professional process in place particularly in this initial stage of meeting a potential new insurance client, is very important.  This is where Insurance Advisors set the stage for a consistent and professional client experience from start to finish.  And, remember: Every relationship is a direct reflection of how it began. 


What makes this FIT meeting unique and powerful is the stark contrast to what potential new clients are used to experiencing at a first appointment.  They expect to hear product talk.  They expect to hear sales talk.  They expect the all too predictable 'close' at the end.  In other words, they are bracing for the end of the meeting where they expect you to push for their commitment to sign on the dotted line.  This represents everything this appointment is not.


This meeting is about you determining if this person is a good fit for the insurance solutions you can offer through your Credit Union/Organization.  It is about providing the potential new insurance client with the opportunity to make the same assessment - are you a fit?  In other words, both parties are looking forward to the prospect of moving forward and working together. 


What a great way to begin a quality relationship.


WHO is this proven strategy designed for?


For those who want to create a unique and professional first impression at the first meeting with a prospective new insurance client.


WHAT should you expect?


You will: 


  • Demonstrate you have a highly structured and personalized process for bringing on new insurance clients, as well as create client familiarity with the process

  • Provide new insurance clients with the information necessary to ensure they are can determine if there is a fit

  • Gather the information necessary about the client to ensure you can determine if there is a fit for the insurance solutions you provide 




WHAT you need to know



Note:  The items above are the resources created for the Financial Advisors, however the concepts and principle of the messages also apply to Insurance Advisors. 




HOW to Take Action & Implement Successfully?


Familiarize yourself with the purpose and flow of the FIT Meeting.


Refer to Step 6_FIT Meeting Agenda to become familiar with the different areas being covered and the general flow of the meeting.


  • It is important you become thoroughly comfortable with a structured and professional approach to conducting this FIT phase.


The FIT Meeting


After the initial greetings and brief rapport building portion of the meeting (no more than five minutes) you can signal the business part of the meeting by sliding the FIT Meeting Agenda across the table to each meeting participant.


Note: the FIT Meeting should take no longer than 45 minutes to one hour.


The next few steps will explain the flow of the meeting. Try to visualize what this process might look like for you as you work through each step.  Note:  Each of these steps is described in much more detail in the 1st Appointment Script.


  1. Meeting Overview

    • Here you will preview the items you would like to discuss during the meeting and provide a time frame to manage your client's expectations.

  2. An Introduction to Our Team and Our Approach To Helping You

    • Here is where you will describe the Credit Union/Organization, explain who you are and what you do.

    • Potential clients need to know this information to make an informed decision about FIT.

    • You may wish to actively use the pieces of your Introduction Kit to effectively communicate some of this information.

    • Review the concept of Significant Life Events with clients so they understand the full scope of services available to them through you and others at your Credit Union/Organization.

    • Show them a copy of the Insurance Needs Analysis (refer to samples found in step 4 below) and explain that if there is a fit, the next step in your process is to have them back and you will complete one of these with them.

    • Reference the Personal Family Security Organizer to demonstrate how you will deliver your recommendations and monitor them on an ongoing basis.

  3. Getting to Know More about You & Your Family

    • This is where you begin the client-focused portion of the meeting.

    • You will ask the potential new client a series of questions related to their current situation and needs.

    • You need to gain enough insight about the potential new client to determine if they are a fit for you.

    • This information is necessary to help you begin assessing FIT and ensuring proper alignment at your Credit Union/Organization.

  4. Next Steps

    • Clearly identify what the next step is - who is doing what and when - so everyone is on the same page as it relates to expectations.​

  5. Meeting Wrap Up

    • Thank the prospective client for their time, reinforce the FIT process and outline the very next step for them in this process.​

    • Make sure they leave this meeting with a hardcopy of your Introduction Kit to take with them along with any other items you feel would be beneficial - be selective and don't send them away with too much or it may be overwhelming.


Special Note:  At some point you will need to have an Advisor Disclosure Form completed, you can decide based on the client situation where the best place to do this is.  It may be in this appointment or it might be in the next one.


Make Your Assessment of FIT and Next Steps


Step 7 of the Onboarding Process, is to run the initial numbers based on the information gathered during the initial FIT Meeting.  This will involve working with your various insurance solutions carriers.


Step 8 of the Onboarding Process is to communicate the results of the analysis to the client as well as, set the stage for reviewing their options with them.


  • If there is a FIT and it involves a simple insurance solution:

    • CALL or EMAIL the prospective client to inform them and let them know you will email them some options to review and consider.  Be sure to set a follow up call to discuss this with them.

    • Refer to the Email Template to Outline Insurance Options.

  • If there is a FIT and it involves a complex insurance solution:

  • If there is NOT a FIT:

    • CALL the prospective client to let them know why in a professional and respectful manner.


Additional Insurance Resources


There are a wide variety of client-facing insurance related resources available through carriers as well as, possibly your own organization.  We encourage you to choose and use the ones that work best for you.  We also recommend you are always checking the website of third-party providers if that is where they are sourced from to ensure you are using the latest and greatest version of what they have to offer.


Here are a few examples of items you may wish to use during this meeting, provide at the end of the meeting and/or send to the client as a follow up to to the meeting:



Remember to:


  • Refer to The FIT Meeting steps on the New Insurance Client Checklist.

  • Ensure that each step is implemented at the appropriate point in the process.

  • Consistently use every aspect of the process with all potential new clients.






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