WHY is this meaningful to you?
Many Credit Unions already realize the importance of using some sort of client segmentation model. After all, if 80% of the organization's revenue is derived from 20% of its client, it makes sense to figure out exactly who these clients are. The right amount of time and energy must be invested in this highly deserving group of clients –to competitor-proof and attract more like them.
Think about the following questions:
Do I know which clients contribute significantly to my profitability?
Do they generate a significant amount of production?
Do you have any unproductive clients who do not positively contribute to the Credit Union/Organization’s profitability?
How exactly does the 80/20 principle play out for you?
When it comes to managing these relations, are you allocating your time appropriately to your clients?
Now, most Financial Professionals simply classify their clients according to assets, and assets are a logical starting point for any segmentation system. By moving to a more detailed system, however, you can offer better service to your high value clients, attract more qualified referrals and increase your productivity. We highly recommend you follow the three-tiered Triple A Approach to create a meaningful framework for sorting and organizing your clients.
WHO is this proven strategy designed for?
For those who want to meaningfully sort and organize all their clients - the first step in strategically allocating your time, energy and money.
WHAT should you expect?
You will:
Know which segment every client or any prospective client falls into
Understand the significance of each segment and how it impacts your business
WHAT you need to know
HOW to Take Action & Implement Successfully?
You should spend more of your time with the clients who generate more of the revenue. Usually the top 20% of your clients generate 80% of the organizational revenue, so you should spend 80% of your time serving them. However, most organizations do exactly the opposite, wasting time and energy on the 80% of their clients who only generate 20% of the revenue. By using client segmentation and the A-AAA approach, you can avoid this trap.
Review the Client Segmentation Worksheet. Use this worksheet to apply the CUSO segmentation system.
The criteria you establish will determine the future growth of your business - ensure that you have considered each option carefully.
Be confident that your definitions for each segmentation group will help you to achieve your goals and objectives.
Ensure that the system is meaningful to you, and can evolve with your business.
Complete Section 1 to be aware of the various Ideal Client definitions within the organization and that of the MFIS. We will focus on identifying your Top 20 clients which is based on their assets under management as well as, their attitude and level of engagement with you and we will treat these as your “A” Level clients.
Complete Section 2 to be aware of the Knock-Out Factors. This provides a starting point for clearly articulating those who may be better served elsewhere within the organization:
The specific and undesirable traits as defined by assets (or income) and attitude that you are not prepared to deal with OR Identify individuals who are better suited to work with other representatives at the Credit Union based on their current situation and financial needs.
Review and understand Section 3 of the Client Segmentation. This provides a starting point to create a meaningful framework for you with your respect to your role as an MFIS to sort and organize your existing clients as well as, appropriately classify all new clients added to your MFIS portfolio of clients.
There is an understanding by virtue of the MFIS role, that the vast majority of your clients will be C & D level clients because the A & B level clients are best aligned with the Financial Planners and their capabilities. This is still a very important exercise for you to clearly understand your capacity as it relates to the MFIS roles.
Make sure your contact management system has a designated field for each client contact to store the client segmentation code.
Special Instructions for MFIS
There is an understanding by virtue of the MFIS & Associate roles, that the vast majority of your clients will be C & D level clients because the A & B level clients are best aligned with the Financial Planners and their capabilities. This is still a very important exercise for you to clearly understand your capacity as it relates to the MFIS & Associate roles. We will focus on identifying your Top 25 clients within the C & D group, which is based on their assets under management as well as, their attitude and level of engagement with you.
Watch Here to Learn More
Please note this video covers PSA 4 and PSA 5.