WHY is this important?
First, working with your current Strategic Partners allows you to provide value-add services to your high value clients by introducing them to other professionals, some of whom may also play a role in their financial matters. This is important to them and they really appreciate it. Often, it is this type of value-add that has your top clients referring you to their friends, family & colleagues.
Secondly, this promotes growth in your business through referrals outside of your client base via your Strategic Partners. When it comes to your Strategic Partners, you can and should describe your ideal client so they can determine which of their clients are a good fit to send to you going forward.
We will show you how to identify and manage Strategic Partners in a way that is completely aligned with the philosophy and approach you’ve learned in the PSA program which is designed to help you organize, systematize, and meaningfully grow your business.
Who is this proven strategy designed for?
For Advisors who want to have a full team of professionals available for their best clients to ensure all aspects of their wealth planning and beyond are met AND those Advisors who want to create an exclusive network of professionals. This strategy is for those wanting to leverage their existing network of Strategic Partners.
WHAT should you expect?
Identify the various types of Strategic Partners who are key to providing integrated wealth management to your clients
Identify the various types of Strategic Partners who are key to providing meaningful value-adds beyond the wealth management to your ideal clients
Take a detail inventory of your current Strategic Partners
Implement an ongoing method of proactively managing your Strategic Partners
Strategically allocate your time, energy and resources to grow your business
HOW to Take Action & Implement Successfully?
How to Benefit from Strategic Partners
First, it's important to understand how the Internal Marketing Integrity you've focused on and built throughout the core program is complimented by External Marketing Integrity.
Next, like many other areas we've covered, this topic also requires a bit of a paradigm shift in the way we think about the reasons why we would put effort into collaborating with other professionals.
Refer to Understanding Strategic Partners.
Identify Your Current Strategic Partners
Using the Who Are Your In the Box Strategic Partners resource, begin to map out the following:
The traditional Strategic Partners you already have – write their names down
The traditional Strategic Partners you don’t have but need – we will tackle this part in the next best practice.
To get an idea of how to add value beyond the traditional strategic partners, think about your best clients and the kinds of services and service providers they use on a regular basis.
Read Be Really, Really Strategic to help you get this concept going.
Next, using the Who Are Your Out of the Box Strategic Partners resource, begin to map out the following:
The non-traditional Strategic Partners you already have – write their names down
The non-traditional Strategic Partners you don’t have but need – we will tackle this part in the next best practice.
Proactively Manage Your Strategic Partners
Print & review the Strategic Partners Service Model, which is designed to help you create brand loyalty through proactive servicing of your Strategic Partners.
Read and become familiar with Effective Integration of Your CRM
Carefully customize the model so it is meaningful and manageable.
Use Maximizer to fully automate your service commitments to ensure consistent delivery.
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